POD Short Privacy Notice

How we manage your information

Data protection legislation has changed, with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act (2018) coming into force. These changes give you more rights around how your information is used. To make sure you feel confident with how we process your information, we've updated our Privacy Notice to make things clearer. See below for a summary of what it says.

How do we use your information?

We process your POD data on behalf of your service provider, who is a POD customer and the Data Controller of your POD data.
We use your information in the ways that you would expect:

What may be less obvious to you is that we use your information for internal analysis. To do this we combine your data with data from other POD users in order to, for example, evaluate the effectiveness of a particular service or the services in a particular geographic area. The data we use for this purpose never includes identifiable information, so you cannot be identified in any report we produce.

Who do we share your information with and where do we get it from?

Only your service provider has access to your identifiable data in POD and only they know exactly who you are. You use a code and not your name to keep your identity secret and only they know who’s who.

The POD data is created directly by you, when you complete any Outcome Measures as part of your therapy/treatment.

We use the combined data from many POD users to create the service reports but we make sure the use of your information is subject to appropriate protection at all times, so that only authorised people have access to it. They all have legal and ethical obligations to keep the information secure.

How can I find out more?

Our full privacy notice contains more detail about:

You'll find the full notice here and you should also ask your service provider how they use your POD data

Do I have to do anything?

No, this is just information, you don't have to do anything.